Today, Tomorrow, Next Week, Next Month, Next Year, Next Decade!

What do you want from this 1 life?
Is it a comfortable life for you & the people you care about?
Is it to eventually marry & build a life with your partner that you will cherish for years to come?
Is it to have a job that you enjoy & work with people you like?
Is it to be the best father & mother that you can be to your children?
Is it to finally start working on that interest that you've had for years?
Is it to leave an abusive family, relationship or situation?
Is it earn $40k+ a year, $100k+ a year, $300k+ a year, $1.1M+ a year, $100M+ a year?
Is it to make enough money just so you can take care of the people you love?
Is it to become the world's best fighter so can protect the 1's you care for?

What is it that you want from this 1 life?
MyRagingPersona is about using rage in positive ways & showcasing those ways to others.
You can direct all of those emotions, thoughts & actions towards a positive, productive & constructive goal that could potentially change your life for the better but also the lives of others.

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